Costa Rica Pt.1

During my February Break I had gone to Costa Rica to visit one of my closest friends that I went to private school at the Waldorf School of Lexington.

I had flown out there by myself and met her at the airport where she ad her dad had picked me up. I have to say I was very scared about traveling by myself because it had been my first time and also leaving the country the first time. Leaving from the Boston,MA airport to my connecting flight in Houston,TX had been very easy. But leaving Liberia,CR and going to Newark international airport had given me a anxiety attack. It was probably the scariest thing I had to inquire and I realized I had to start acting like an adult and not freak out. I did freak out. I was on the phone with my mom for about an hour (when I landed in Newark to the boarding gate). My plane had been late and my flight was gonna leave in about 45 minutes and I had been put on the wrong train bringing me towards the opposite direction where my gate had been. This very scary lady who yelled at me for not knowing where I was going made me cry. I had to leave the airport (as in I had been in the lobby and had to go down the steep stairs that brought me to the security scanners) before that I was going through the international checkout security check as well. Gotta make sure a little crying 16 year old girl isn’t bring a bomb or anything. By that time I got to the security scanners there was a long line and I anxiously kept on looking at my clock. While I was waiting in line my hand was shaking and my mouth began to chatter. I tried calming myself and I thought to myself how I had such a good time, and how I’m going to see everyone in about 4 hours. I quietly folded my arms and I prayed to myself  and I just asked my heavenly father to get me home safely.  After that, my heart had told me I had to run, I had to stay calm. I have to wipe the salty tears away, and toughen up. I did just that. Sadly if I wasn’t running late I would’ve stopped by the Starbucks I ran by because there was no line. I really wanted to stop but that didn’t happen. After running for a straight 10 minutes and my duffle kept falling off my shoulder, and I look like I just ran a marathon, I made it my gate and I had just gotten there when they said they were about to board.

why am I telling you this instead of posting pictures?

I will post pictures tomorrow, but I thought if  I’m writing a blog its important to know how the experience is before and after a big quest such as this. This has been my biggest wanderlust. I hope to visit again even though I had a rough airport experience because even though i had scared I only cared about getting to my destinations and having a wonderful time and both of those came true. I am so happy I got to go to Costa Rica and I hope to visit soon and see all the new friends I have made and make more memories to write and caption about.

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